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A Christmas Carol - 2023
Milwaukee Repertory Theater Costume Design - Alexander Tecoma
Draper - Micky Simmons
These Middle Class Child Caroler dresses were draped by Micky Simmons and stitched and finished by me.

Twelfth Night - 2023
Summer Shakespeare Theatre
Costume Design - Carter S King
This Regency gown for the character Moriah was stitched and finished by me.
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street - 2023
Trinity Repertory Co. - 2023
Costume Design - Shahrzad Mazaheri
Draper/Cutter - William Andrew Young
Production Photos by Mark Turek
Sweeney Todd's Act II vest, Young Lucy's dress, and Judge Turpin's masquerade cape were all stitched and finished by me. I also built the duplicate garments for the production's understudies.

The Inferior Sex - 2023
Trinity Repertory Co. - 2023
Costume Design - Amanda Downing Carney
Draper/Cutter - William Andrew Young
Production Photos by Mark Turek
Congresswoman Shirley Chisohlm's brick dress was stitched by me.